Housing Resources
Call 9-1-1 if you are a danger to yourself or others or have a medical emergency.

2-1-1 is a resource that is invaluable for many people. Access to food, shelter, child care, substance use referrals is available through the 2-1-1 website or phone number. You can dial 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905 for Texas 2-1-1. Resources are also available on the website at 211texas.org.
TCHC Homeless Helpline
TCHC is a local non-profit that provides resources to combat homelessness in Tarrant and Parker counties. The phone number to the helpline is: 817-996-8800
The website is ahomewithhope.org.

Fort Worth Housing Solutions
Fort Worth housing solutions websites provides a variety of different resources in the Fort Worth/Dallas area, including times of availability and links to website. Please visit Fort Worth Housing Solutions for more information.
The city of Fort Worth has also provided this pdf pamphlet that has the names, availablilites, and phone numbers to access shelters. Please visit: fortworthtexas.gov for more information.